Saturday, July 18, 2009 makes my day!

Shit, I was still a little uncertain of some skills in first aid for tomorrow practical test...or theory test? Whatever. Last-minute plan was not worked well...wanted to go to teddy's house to learn, but his tuition comes after mine, so we could not take out a free time.
A totally helpless person's idea always relates to internet. So do I...hehe

Youtube did not satisfy me. Google, always my best friend, help me to find a nice website,, but I want to clarify that this website is not only for first aiding, it includes everything in our daily life..almost everything. It supplies us with recommendations, ideas, helps blah blah to deal with things in our life...and of course, first aid!! muacks!~! my life saver! Below is a screenshort taken while I was surfing. Click to enlarge?
kindda cool right?
I think it is useful...I even found one How article on "How to Cheat during Exam and Works"...*grins*
Mentally tired now....need to get some sleep for tomorrow...yawnz...zzZZ

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